Wednesday 8 June 2011

Wing tip panels

Here we are again!
started with the first wing tip panel, that i'll be joining together with the wing root when it's ready.

The T1, the first rib on the left is shorter (die-cut?!?!) by 2 mm, i'll have to figure it out and make it flush before i glue it to the TE.
as you can see in the picture down here, the TE was bent and twisted; i wetted it down and clamped to the building board, hope in few hours it will be ok.

have to start designing the wing folding mechanism, it will take some time
see you!

Finished the wing root

here is the wing root finished.
there are two new holes in the LE fo align the wing when it's put together with the fuse, and there are the flap servo hatch rails.

wing tip panels next!!

Monday 6 June 2011

LE and TE

ok, now leading edge and trailing edge are installed, all the ribs are in place.



just need some more sanding to keep all flush and even.

 next servo rails and gears rails...

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Wing root front ribs

it's time to glue the front ribs, easy task, i chose the cyanoacrilic, faster and equally strong than epoxy for little surfaces and where filling effect is not needed.

mmmmmm.. starting to take shape!!! yummy!

and now the aft ribs, only the external ones are still missing, have to wait tonight to work on them.

see you tomorrow, stay tuned 'cause i peeked the LE and TE fitting with all the ribs and it couldn't be more UNprecise!! (damn!)

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Dowels assembly

Wing dowels, this will be glued to the center of the main spar    

Nice assembly, strong but very light.

Wing ribs and dowel

Finally i'm messing around with epoxy and glued the front "master" ribs, the ones that will hold the mains. ...all perpendicular..

Monday 30 May 2011

LE, Spar and TE

Hi, did some work on the leading edge, the central spar and the trailing edge of wing root.
here are some pictures, as you can see, or imagine, the spars and edges are composed of 2 or 3 or 6 pieces of ply glued together.

i wrote down the lines for alignement on all the "spars" and "edges", tonight i'm gonna make the ribs and epoxy them...hope to do a neat work, no twisting...

in the last picture you can see the spar doublers; i'll glue the "master ribs" on the sides of those, they'll embrace the main gears. (with the rails on them).

hope to post again tomorrow

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Finally the Wing!

hi guys,
here is the very beginning of wing construction.

the central spar is made of 6 different spar halves glued together, pretty heavy but tough..

then some epoxy messing to glue the initial rib week to complete this part, epoxy finished, have to buy some.
can you see that little embosses in the ribs? there will be glued the gear rails, have to be the strongest part of the wing now.

Some aileron scaling

Did a little work on the ailerons.
All that 48 little triangles bored me one evening long....but now it's done!

next step, as you can see on the mini-plan, the rudder scaling.

then trim tabs and functional balance tabs.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Hinges hiding ply...
i'll have to trim them. and then sand sand sand the rudder leading edge.

and some scaling work on the elevators, this should look good with the fabric on..i'm going to choose koverall

now the other side then the wing... gonna start the serious work shortly! can't wait to try and fit the main gear prototype!!
see you

Monday 9 May 2011

Full metal gears - mains

as i promised here are some pictures ( a month old ) of the mains.
totally metal scale cnc'ed electric rotating landing gears..
this is the first prototype, in the future i'll post some other images.

note that the base joint is exactly as full-scale airplane, it guarantees the 90 degrees rotating movement.
the plate will be facing trailing edge.

a little oleo is inside the main tube

Tail almost finished

 After some time i worked a little on the tail of this sweet lady.

hinges and "tubing" finished.

this is the finished look of the tail feathers..

Friday 22 April 2011

Thursday 21 April 2011

Fin and Rudder

here i am with some work done! job is stealing some time to work on my beauty, but i'm keeping on...
before continuing with trim and balance tab for elevators, i focused on fin and rudder.
here some pictures:

 let's start with the fin..usual old skeleton, only four ribs.

the sheets, previously prepared...

other side..

and the leading edge is sanded!

and now the rudder, three pieces to glue together to make the base

a shaped LE , slide the base in the slot and it's done

wrote down the ribs

 cut all the ribs and glued to the base

now the balance tab LE, the maxi root rib and the torque block...

this time i did it quicker, all the sanding went well and the profile is good, much better than the elevators.

and finally i inserted the aluminium tubes to place and replace the hinges as many times i desire..

next time i'll drill the hinges holes for the rudder and prepare for hiding the mechanism. still a lot of work to do!! see you next time